What ravages of spirit Conjured this temptuous rage Created you a monster Broken by the rules of love And fate has led you through it You do what you have to do And fate has led you through it You do what you have to do ... And I have the sense to recognize that I dont know how to let you go Every moment marked With apparitions of your soul Im ever swiftly moving Trying to escape this desire The yearning to be near you I do what I have to do The yearning to be near you I do what I have to do But I have the sense to recognize That I dont know how To let you go I dont know how To let you go A glowing ember Burning hot Burning slow Deep within Im shaken by the violence Of existing for only you I know I cant be with you I do what I have to do I know I cant be with you I do what I have to do And I have sense to recognize but I dont know how to let you go I dont know how to let you go I dont know how to let you go
Eu... Sou impulsiva, estressada, palhaça, inquieta, adoro dormir, ver filmes, ler livros, falar bobagem e me sentir em paz. Tenho ligeira dificuldade para caminhar em linha reta quando misturo destilado com fermentado. Acredito em muita coisa boa, entre elas, "DEUS". Não me incomodo com a opnião de quem não me conhece, portanto nem adianta tentar. Sou uma excelente amiga e uma maravilhosa inimiga. Sempre deixo escolherem em que time querem estar! Citaçao do momento: "Quanto mais alto voamos, menores parecemos àqueles que não voam". Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche